Deep Sky Observing Guides
In the late '70s, I found
inspiration in AstroCards by Kepple and Sanner, which led
me to the idea of creating comprehensive observing guides
for advanced deep-sky observers. By the early 2000s, I
started compiling my "one stop shop" observing pages for
my observing programs. I began with deep sky object
catalogues like Hickson Compact Galaxy Groups and Abell
Planetary Nebulae. Then I produced one for the Arop
Pecular Galaxies. These guides included eyepiece
renditions and observing notes for sale.
Originally, I had planned to release guides for
purchase for various deep sky catalogues, but the
extensive time required for compiling my observing notes,
sketches and then build the guide led me to offer the
basic field observing guides for FREE to observers. I hope
you find these guides useful and enjoyable in the field.
Over the past two decades, I have dedicated my
research to identifying fascinating catalogues for
challenging deep sky objects to observe. While some
catalogues offer a significant challenge to observers with
30" or larger telescopes, I have also developed field
observing guides tailored to those with smaller to
moderate apertures. For instance, individuals who have
completed the Messier list can advance to the Herschel
400 list, which is well-suited for observers with
telescopes as small as 6". This page contains Field
Observing Guides encompassing a wide range of celestial
objects, ensuring there is something of interest for every
The central idea behind the "one-stop shop" concept
is to furnish observers with all the necessary information
for locating and effectively observing the object through
star hopping. Each page contains a naked-eye chart with a
Telrad overlay centered on the object, in addition to a
finder chart and a DSS image. I continue to use this
method in my observing program, which is why I opt not to
use digital setting circles (DSC) on my 22" reflector - I
find it quicker to locate objects through star hopping.
The observing guides here are designed to be used at the
observing field and at the eyepiece.
I regularly make additions, so be sure to check
back periodically. Revisions are detailed at the back of
each Observing Guide.
Versions available
PDF edition
Click on the cover image on the left to download
the PDF.
Hard Copy Print Editions
Most of these guides are available through my
regular publisher at a nominal cost. They are
provided for convenience as I realize that some do
not have a laser printer, let alone a duplex printer.
Or just don't want to bother printing the whole book
and then taking it to a print shop to have it coil bound.
Some are printed on standard paper and others are printed
in coated 80# paper, which is a little nicer paper, but
costs an average of $2 more. It is worth the extra.
I am pleasantly surprised at my publisher's final
price as it is less expensive than printing the whole
thing at a print shop, color stock covers and then coil
binding it. One observer noted that when he sent the
2013 OOTW to Kinko's and had them print them double-sided
in black and white, then bound them with a clear cover on
the front and black vinyl on the back. It cost him
about $29! It is about half that from my publisher (data
from 2013). Just another way of making them available for
a modest cost to all. Hope that you feel that this
option is valuable for you.
Reminder: These print books are COIL-BOUND for ease of use
at the telescope, especially those with large reflectors
with ladders. They are "at the eyepiece" field
guides, NOT armchair books. :)
you feel led to support my efforts on creating and
keeping the guides up to date, you can order them from
my publisher by hitting the Print Version link
throughout this page or the link herefor
the entire listing of guides available. Each
guide purchased sends a couple bucks my way for my
efforts. I purposely kept it low as I do this a
labor of love and for a way for you to support me.
New Observing Guide!
Observing Extragalactic Objects
Within Host Galaxies - This
observing guide with 158 host
galaxies with observable extragalactic objects. Each
host galaxy has annotated extragalactic objects with
scholarship plus links to observing notes and sketches
from a few well known and skilled observers. Suggest a
16-inch or larger telescope to successfully observe
these objects. A very skilled observer can see some of
them with telescopes as small as 6 to 10 inches.
(357 pages, 33MB)
As I spent a bit of time on this guide compared to my
other guides below and if you want to support me and
this website, you can order a color print version
printed on 80# coated premium paper. Click the
link to order directly from my publisher. Note: Premium
coated paper is a bit more durable on the field and
costs a few bucks more. I think it is worth it. COLOR
Print Version
Herschel Objects
the Herschel 400 Objects (Part I) - The first
group of 400 Herschel objects was generated by the Rose
City Astronomy Club in 1980. This is an excellent
list for observers who completed the Messier
list. A 6 inch telescope is sufficient to
see all objects on this list. (406 pages,
43MB) Print
Version ( (Printed on
80# coated paper)
the Herschel 400 Objects (Part II) - The second
group of 400 Herschel objects was generated in
1997. This is an excellent second part of the
overall list of 2,500 Herschel Objects. A 10
inch telescope is needed to see all objects on this
list, but an 8 inch can see most of them. (407
pages, 44MB) Print Version
(Printed on 80# coated paper)
the Herschel Part III Objects - The
third group of Herschel objects generated by Tom
Hoffelder consists of 300 galaxies. This is an
excellent step for those who completed the Part I and II
list. A 10 or 12 inch telescope is needed to
see all objects on this list, but an 8 inch can see most
of them. (319 pages, 31MB) Print
(Printed on 80# coated paper)
Observing Projects for
large telescopes (16 inches or larger)
Vorontsov-Velyaminov Catalogue of Interacting
Galaxies (Part I) - Dr. Boris
Vorontsov-Velyaminov of Sternberg Astronomical
Institute, Moscow University, created this list of
interacting galaxies in 1959. A majority of the
systems were found on the POSS plates from the Palomar
48-inch Schmidt astrograph. The original Part I
list contained 355 systems, many of which are listed by
Dr. Halton Arp AFTER Dr. V-V did his list.
Note: This observing guide will contain only the
non-Arp VV objects as the Arp are covered in my
publication, “Observing the Arp Peculiar Galaxies”.
Many of these objects require a fairly large telescope
(16 inches or larger) (199 pages, 56MB) Print Version
Vorontsov-Velyaminov Catalogue of Interacting
Galaxies (Part II) – This
catalogue consists of 497 objects created in 1976 as
Boris continued his work on interactive galaxies.
The list starts with VV 356 and ends with VV852.
Many of these
objects require a fairly large telescope (16 inches or
larger) (482 pages, 84MB)
Print Version - Note: The
number of pages exceeds the limit for coil binding as it
would not fit even the largest coil. This print
version is available in paperback only.
Galaxies – A
selection of 60+ variable galaxies, most are observable
with a 20 inch telescope. This class of objects
includes BL Lacertae, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), and
Optically Violent Variable quasars (OVV). (145 pages,
49MB) Print Version
The Local
Group –Galaxies
within our celestial backyard. Some of the
Local Group members are close enough that you can see
some of their globular clusters, H-II regions, OB
associations, and open clusters. They are clearly
marked and offer a great challenge for those with large
telescopes. (84 pages, 46MB) Print Version
Updated (March 2024): Added new resources based
on recent scholarship since the original release of
this guide back in 2008. Corrected some mislabeled
globular clusters, H II regions, and OB
associations. See Revision History for complete
Galaxies - A
selection of 170+ Flat Galaxies from the Revised Flat
Galaxy Catalogue. Many are faint and require a
large telescope. I recommend a 12 inch or larger
scope to tackle the majority of objects in this
pages, 74MB)
Print Version (Printed on
80# coated paper)
The Rose
Catalogue of Compact Galaxies - Dr. James
A. Rose wrote a paper discussing a small selection of 33
northern and 5 southern very compact galaxy groups for
large telescopes. This list is considered to be a
bit more challenging than the Hickson Galaxy
Recommend 18
inch or larger scope as most are very small and
faint. All objects in this list are visible in the
spring months. (89 pages, 10MB) Print Version
Galaxy Clusters – In 1958,
Dr. George Abell compiled a list using POSS1 plates
consisting of 2712 galaxy clusters (limited to
-27° and above). Later in 1989, Dr. Abell
and Harold Corwin added an additional 1361
clusters. I've selected 80+ Abell Galaxy Clusters
for this observing guide for intermediate and advanced
observers with large telescopes.
16 inch or
larger scope is recommended. (431 pages, 46MB)
Print Version
Observing Projects for very large telescopes (25
inches or larger)

Shakhbazian Galaxy Groups –
Very challenging compact galaxy groups, much more
challenging than the Hickson Compact Galaxy
Groups. Dr. Shakhbazian et al published a
list of 377 groups. 120+ brightest groups in
this guide.
(142 pages, 61MB) Print Version(Printed
on 80# coated paper)
Observing notes for Shakhbazian
Groups with telescopes from 22 to 48 inches.
Click here.
Major update (April 2024): 59 Shk
groups added, many updates throughout guide.
The Palomar Compact
Galaxy Catalogue - A select
sampling of 60 of 459 compact groups. This list
was created by Dr. Angela Iovino of Italy, using similar
selection criteria as Hickson, Shakhbazian, and Rose in
their respective projects. The criteria are a bit
tighter and use an automated algorithm scanning POSS
plates > 40 degrees from the galactic equator.
is the ultimate compact galaxy list. All of them
are less than an arc minute. Think about it, 1 arc
minute is 60 arc seconds, meaning that many entire
Palomar Compact Galaxy groups would be covered by
Jupiter! (76 pages, 9MB) Print Version
Observing Projects for smaller telescopes (8
inches and up)
Small Galaxy Groups – Small
Galaxy Groups inspired by the Astronomical League Galaxy
Clusters Observing Club with some additional
selections. 102 groups. 8 inch or larger
scope. (221 pages, 44MB) Print Version
(Printed on 80# coated paper)
Major Update (July 2024):
Added 31 new small galaxy groups, including more
than a few in the southern sky. Grand total of 102
galaxy groups.
Trios and Triple Systems – Galaxy
Trios inspired by Miles Paul’s list and by the
Astronomical League Galaxy Groups Observing Club.
But there are much more than the two original lists,
some very challenging for large telescopes such as my 30
inch reflector. 240+ trios and triple
systems. 8 inch or larger scope. (287 pages,
84MB) Print Version
(Printed on 80# coated paper)
Extra: This file also contains a selection of
the easiest gravitational lensed quasars, such as the
Double Quasar in Ursa Major and Einstein’s cross in
Clusters - All
globular clusters above -50° declination. This
list includes all Messier, NGC, Palomar, and Terzan
globular clusters. There are a few “impossible”
globulars, such as the two 2MASS globulars, FSR 1735, in
this list as well. 90+ globulars.
Most are
observable with an 8 inch scope, while a few are
challenging in 30 inch and larger telescopes. (128
pages, 10MB) Print Version
Nebulae and Supernovae Remnants- Planetary
nebulae, supernovae remnants, and protoplanetaries that
are observable above about -50° declination and
north. About 350+ objects were
included. Many stellar planetary nebulae were left
out. (337 pages, 80MB) Print Version
Sky Forum Observing Guides
Object of
the week 2012 - An
observing book/log comprising all of the 2012
'Object of the Week' as posted at Deep Sky Forum.
chose and discussed a different object every week.
You'll find a great selection of objects varying in type
and difficulty. Many objects may require at least
an 18 inch telescope and dark skies. (140 pages, 12MB)
Print Version
Object of
the week 2013 - An
observing book and log comprising all of the 2013
'Object of the Week' plus selected objects from the Off
the Beaten Path forum as posted at Deep Sky Forum.
Members chose and discussed a different object every
week. You'll find a great selection of objects
varying in type and difficulty. (246 pages, 28MB)
Print Version
Star Party Advanced Observing Guides
Illusions (2013) - A handy
observing list for Larry Mitchell's and Jim Chandler's Texas Star Party Advanced
Observing List. Observe BOTH galaxies in at least
20 pairs to qualify for the pin. (42 pages, 4MB) Print Version
Seeing Red
(2014) - Observing
Guide for Larry Mitchell's Texas Star Party Advanced
Observing List. Observe at least 20 objects to
qualify for the pin. (42 pages, 4MB) Print Version
Note: Some of
these documents are best printed on both sides of the
paper to maximize the usefulness on the field as the
two-page spreads are built to be used together. It
is best to coil bind the pages. Any business
printing business can do that for you.
For the
documents with a two-page spread per object, if you want
each object to appear on the same sheet (front and back),
add a blank page or delete one of the blank pages at the
beginning of the book.
If you have
good observations, feedback, or any other comments on
these guides. Please email All Rights Reserved.